What Healthcare professionals say...
"Half an hour of music produced the same effect as ten milligrams of valium."
-Dr. Raymond Bahr, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore
"The power of music to integrate and cure...is quite fundamental. (It is the)
profoundest nonchemical medication."
-Dr. Oliver Sacks, Neurologist
"Music...is a service modality that can help to facilitate communication between
the family and the patient who is actively dying, while also providing
a comforting presence."
-American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine
"Music has been recognized through research as a safe, inexpensive and effective
non-pharmaceutical way to relieve anxiety."
-Dr. Brian Seeney, National Naval Medical Center, Maryland
"It is possible to decrease sedative requirements during surgery under spinal
anesthesia by allowing patients to listen to music to reduce their anxiety."
-Dr. Caroline Lepage, Mainoneuve-Rosemont Hospital, Montreal
"Music is such a powerful tool for alleviating many of the symptoms that the
seriously ill and dying experience."
-Dorothy L. Pitner, President and CEO, Palliative Care Ctr. and
Hospice of North Shore
What is expected Of the Patient?
Live Music Helps
What Healthcare professionals say
About Lynda Sperry Jardine, Harpist
My Music Therapy in the News
Site Designed by Jeremy Tompkins, Maintained by Michael Sperry
Copyright © by Lynda Jardine, Carmel Valley - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED