What the Harpist Does at the Wedding
On your wedding day I will arrive 15-20 minutes before I start to play,
set up and tune the harp, and attend to any last minute details.
Usually I will play 15 minutes before the wedding service starts,
as guests arrive and are seated.
Generally, a wedding lasts for about one hour: (15-20 minutes prior to
the service, 20 minutes for the wedding, 15-20 minutes after the wedding)
When I am cued that the service is to begin, I will play a selection as
the mothers are seated, and the officiant enters with the groom and his attendants.
The next selection will be for the bridesmaids, flower girl andring bearer.
Then, the processional for the bride-whatever you may choose.
If there is to be a Unity Candle, I can play during that interval.
If you desire a solo during the ceremony, this is a good time to begin it.
The recessional is the last item of the ceremony. After the bridal party has
recessed, I will continue playing as the guests are leaving, or, as in some
cases, when the party returns for wedding pictures, or if there are
cocktails immediately following the ceremony, prior to the reception.
I can also continue to play for your reception, if you wish to book it.
FOR OUTDOOR EVENTS: Please be sure that shelter from sun, wind or moisture
is provided for the musician(s). Also, easy access for the harp is necessary,
as it must be rolled on its special handcart, or carried by helpers.
A flat surface is necessary (in other words, sloping ground will not work)
SPECIAL REQUESTS: I am happy to play special requests providing I have
the music, and adequate time to prepare music I don't know. Please submit
your special requests at least 2 weeks prior to your event.
MY FEE: I require a 50% non-refundable deposit to book your date. The balance
is due two weeks prior to the event. The fee includes a consultation to discuss
your musical desires, either over the telephone, or at my home in Carmel Valley
if you prefer. *In the event I should have an emergency (illness or death) that
prohibits my playing for you, I will either find a suitable substitute, or
refund all fees paid to me.
Site Designed by Jeremy Tompkins, Maintained by Michael Sperry
Copyright © by Lynda Jardine, Carmel Valley - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED